AI assistants that boost team productivity
by 20%!

Collabowave first cleans, labels and organizes your data – then leverages its AI assistant to power up real-time collaboration!

Ride the wave of Collaboration!

Start using Collabowave for yourself or your team Book a free consultation today!

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We help enterprise employees action the right data at the right time and place.

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Boost team productivity by 50% with Real-Time collaboration

A study by McKinsey & Company found that improving collaboration through digital tools can boost productivity by up to 25-30%. With additional features like real-time collaboration, Collabowave’s impact could reach 50% depending on the baseline productivity of the team.


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Increase Cross-Team Collaboration by 60% with Centralized Communication

A report from Forrester suggests that organizations implementing unified communication tools see up to a 60% increase in collaboration across teams, leading to better project outcomes.


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Cut Meeting Time by 30% with Automated Summaries and Action Items

Research from Harvard Business Review indicates that automating meeting follow-ups can reduce the time spent in meetings by up to 30%, as decisions are clearer and follow-up actions are more efficiently handled.


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Enhance Document Accessibility by 80% with Centralized Storage

A study by IDC found that knowledge workers spend 20-30% of their time searching for information. Centralized storage and better document management could improve accessibility by up to 80%.


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Reduce Miscommunication by 50% with Consistent and Clear Communication

A study by The Economist Intelligence Unit shows that poor communication leads to project failure about 30% of the time. Centralized and consistent communication systems can reduce these miscommunications by up to 50%.


Don’t take our word, see what our clients say.

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One of a kind app

Duis aute irure dolor in meter dolore reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat occaecat cupidatat nonostrud exercitation dolore eu fugiat nulla.

One Of A Kind App - Peaceful X Webflow Template
John Carter
Investment Advisor

A game changer for us

Duis aute irure dolor in meter dolore reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat occaecat cupidatat nonostrud exercitation dolore eu fugiat nulla.

A Game Changer For Us - Peaceful X Webflow Template
Sophie Moore

Simply the best

Duis aute irure dolor in meter dolore reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat occaecat cupidatat nonostrud exercitation dolore eu fugiat nulla.

Simply The Best - Peaceful X Webflow Template
Andy Smith
Investment Firm

Meet Collabowave.

Don’t be fooled by all the “AI talk” - Collabowave first cleans, labels and organizes your data – then leverages its AI assistant.

What did I miss from that meeting?

Transcribe, summarize and follow up with a personalized email from meetings and working groups. Imagine missing a meeting because of time zones, schedule or vacation. Collabowave will summarize the meeting and follow up tips based on your focus. Have three people working on a project? Get automated emails on what they are working on.

Who is doing what task?

Summarized tasks are sent to meeting organizers and your planning tool. The organizer will confirm them and track them on one system. The AI assistant will identify repetitions and silos. This is all connected to your larger clean data set, documents and emails to relate previous work to new tasks.

Has anything changed last week?

Every week, month or day – depending on your requirement – you will get an email identifying important meetings, discussions and decisions that you might have missed. ‘Hey, these two people had a conversation on this last week – isn't that what you are working on?’ or ‘Are you aware of this decision on the project?’ These automatic messages will bring key information to you – instead of you chasing it. More importantly, you can adjust the data source to important organizational decisions and use the tool to shift the teams to work in the correct direction.

How often have our clients talked about the competition this quarter?

As all discussions and tasks are captured in the clean and labeled database, Collabowave can pull fantastic analytics and lessons learnt for your organization. How often has your team discussed project A? Who is working towards the key KPIs? What planning tools or process are being used the most/least? This is the true impact of Collabowave!

The right data, at the right time and place! An effective and accurate chatbot.

Once your data has been cleaned and labeled, your discussions are summarized correctly, and your tasks are organized properly – you can use a simple chatbot to find the right information easily. If your data is not organized and labelled effectively – a chatbot would be useless.